Nordische Filmtage Lübeck
Zusammen mit Maite Wocköck und Kirsten Taylor saß ich in der Kinder- und Jugendfilmjury der Nordischen Filmtage in Lübeck.

It was an honour and a great pleasure to be part of this year’s jury for the Children’s & Youth Film Price of the Nordische Filmtage Lübeck. We saw so many great films and the journey through the narrated worlds was entertaining and inspiring.
Many thanks to Thomas Hailer, Hanna Reifgerst, Maria Wildenhain and the whole team for the invitation, the fantastic programme and the great support throughout the festival.
My biggest thanks go to Maite Woköck and Kirsten Taylor for the enjoyable jury work. We were always in agreement – but I would have loved to argue with you as well. 😉 💗
Finally: Congratulations to our beloved winner: „Lars er LOL“ from Eirik Saeter Stordahl was a real delight, in every sense of the word. If you have the chance to see the movie, go for it.
Ein Bildnachweis: (c) Nordische Filmtage, Olaf Mahlzahn